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SMELT – Skilling Marginalized people to Enter Labour Market

Samarcanda è stata capofila del progetto internazionale SMELT: SKILLING MARGINALIZED PEOPLE TO ENTER THE LABOUR MARKET

Un percorso della durata di due anni finanziato dal programma europeo Erasmus Plus

(english description below)



Il progetto SMELT ha l’obiettivo di supportare le persone emarginate ad entrare nel mercato del lavoro. Mira ad affrontare il paradosso dei settori aziendali che soffrono di carenza di forza lavoro e l’alto numero di disoccupati vulnerabili.

SMELT vuole spezzare questo circolo vizioso di disuguaglianza e isolamento, promuovendo l’inclusione e l’empowerment!

Combinando competenze ed esperienze di associazioni / ONG che lavorano con persone emarginate, imprese, centri di formazione professionale e istituti di istruzione provenienti da diversi paesi europei, il progetto prevede di promuovere l’organizzazione di corsi di formazione specifici nell’ambito della saldatura.


I RISULTATI DEL PROGETTO intellectual output

Gli articoli che raccontano il progetto

Il sito dedicato al progetto: clicca qui

Nei social network cerca l’hashtag #smelt_eu

English version

The SMELT project – Skilling Marginalised people to Enter Labour Market – is aiming to face the paradox of business sectors experiencing workforce shortage and the high number of vulnerable people unemployed, by supporting marginalized people in acquiring and developing key competencies strategical for the labour market.

Marginalisation is often due to a lack of adequate education and/or specific technical skills, which contribute to cut off those people from the labour market and, as a consequence, exacerbates their social isolation and marginalisation.  This vicious cycle perpetuates inequality, poverty and isolation.

Combining expertise and experiences of association/NGOs working with marginalised people, enterprises, VET centers and educational institute proceeding from 7 countries, the project is expecting to promote the access to VET and low-skilled professions (in the specific the welder one) through organizing specific training courses.

The training courses will be shaped for this specific target group mixing technical workshops to learn the welder profession and classes to increase digital skills and soft skills to facilitate people’s access into the labour market and, more in general, into social tissue. Specific courses will be carried out to explain how to create a CV, where to send it, how to find job offers, and to reach the job center. The idea at the basis is to foster their inclusion and participation in society.

Our objectives 

The project has a triple objective, from one side it aims at increasing vulnerable people’s skills in a specific sector, the welder one, and increase their capacities in entering the labour market and the society in general. On the other side, the idea is to match the exigencies of the market by training skilled workers in the sector which are more suffering from workers shortage.

The project is willing to 

–    Raised awareness on vulnerable people about their rights and possibilities in the labour market,

–    Enhanced soft and transversal skills for vulnerable people

–    Increased technical skills of participants in the welder sector

–    Improved team-building skills and people’s network

–    Promote autonomy, active citizenship, self-confidence, a sense of community, and critical thinking amongst workers, through an awareness raising process inside enterprises and workplaces.

–     create some tools useful to a wider audience

In the Long term, SMELT is expecting to decrease workers shortage in the sector, improve living conditions of people living in an unstable situation through strengthening cooperation and networking between organisations. 

The project SMELT is co-funded by the Erasmus + programme of the European Union.

Leader coordinator: Samarcanda Cooperativa (IT)

Timespan: 29/12/2020 – 28/12/2022


4. Quality Education (4.3,4.4,4.5)

8. Decent work and economic growth (8.3,8.5)

10. Reduced inequalities (10.2, 10.4)

Countries Involved: Italy, Spain, Cyprus, Bulgaria, North Macedonia, Serbia, France

Contact smelt@samarcandaonlus.it to get more information on the project